The A to Z of Self Builds

A - Architect: An architect can help you design your self-build home and ensure that it meets all planning regulations. 

 B - Building control: Building control is responsible for inspecting your self-build home to make sure that it meets building regulations.  

C - Cost: Self-build can be a costly project, so it's important to get quotes from a number of builders before making a decision.  

D - Design: The design of your self-build home is important, as it will determine the layout, style, and cost of your build.  

E - Energy efficiency: Energy efficiency is important for self-build homes, as it can save you money on your energy bills.  

F - Finance: There are a number of lender available in the UK.  

G - Groundworks: Groundworks are the first stage of any self-build project, and they're important for ensuring that your home is built on a solid foundation.  

H - Hire: If you're not planning to do all the work yourself, you will need to hire a builder. It's important to get quotes from a number of builders before making a decision.  

I - Insurance: Once your home is built, you will need to insure it. There are a number of specialist self-build insurance policies available.  

J - Joinery: Joinery is the work of a carpenter, and it includes everything from doors and windows to staircases and furniture.  

K - Knowledge: It's important to have a good understanding of the self-build process before you start your project. There are a number of resources available to help you, such as books, websites, and courses.  

L - Land: Finding a suitable plot of land can be difficult, as there is a limited supply of land available for self-build. You may need to be prepared to travel to find a suitable plot.  

M - Materials: There are a wide range of materials available for self-build homes, including timber, brick, and concrete. The choice of materials will affect the cost and energy efficiency of your home.  

N - New build: A new build is a home that has been built from scratch, rather than being converted from an existing property.  

O - Planning permission: You will need to apply for planning permission from your local authority before you can start building. This process can take several months, so it's important to start early.  

P - Professional help: There are a number of professionals who can help you with your self-build project, such as architects, builders, and financial advisors.  

Q - Quality: It's important to build your home to a high standard, as this will ensure that it lasts for many years.  

R - Regulations: There are a number of building regulations that you must adhere to when building your own home.  

S - Site: The site of your self-build home is important, as it will determine the layout, style, and cost of your build.  

T - Time: Self-build can be a time-consuming project, so it's important to be prepared for the long haul.  

U - Utility companies: You will need to contact the utility companies before you start building, so that they can connect your home to the mains water, gas, and electricity supplies.  

V - Value: Self-build homes can often be worth more than traditional homes, as they are unique and built to a high standard.  

W - Warranties: It's important to get warranties from your builder and the suppliers of any materials that you use, in case there are any problems with your home in the future.  

X - X factor: The X factor is what makes your self-build home unique. It could be the design, the materials, or the location.  

Y - Your home: Your self-build home is your dream home, so make sure that you enjoy the process and take pride in your work.  

Z - Zero carbon: Self-build homes can be built to be zero carbon, which means that they produce no emissions. This can save you money on your energy bills and help to protect the environment. 


What building methods could we use?


Is a Self Build cheaper than buying a house?