Otterpool Park garden town has been awarded outline planning permission by Folkestone & Hythe District Council, including provision for 400 self build homes.
Located near Folkestone in Kent, the 8,500 home garden town, led by master developer Otterpool Park LLP will deliver the new homes, jobs and community facilities on the site of the former Folkestone Racecourse. Plans for the site have been in the works for 10 years, with the planning committee voting to support the project by seven votes to five, with 400 self build plots having been approved.
Andy Jarrett, MD of Otterpool Park LLP, said, “This landmark decision is a pivotal point in the delivery of Otterpool Park and follows seven years of planning, masterplanning and community engagement.
Otterpool Park is positioned in the heart of the Kent countryside, just a few miles from the coastal towns of Folkestone and Hythe. The site has excellent connectivity to London and Europe by road and rail.
The new garden town is surrounded by an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and its design is inspired by the local landscape. Through Otterpool Park’s masterplan, areas containing heritage features like Bronze Age barrows are protected as green spaces and will be made accessible for everyone to enjoy.
Outline planning permission for Otterpool Park was granted on 4 April 2023. The first housebuilders will be announced this year and early work on site is expected in winter 2023.
Master Plan For The Development
While guidelines have to be followed, self-builds give buyers the freedom to design the layout of their home inside while also choosing how it will look externally.
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If you need funding for a self-build project then Mayflower Mortgage will be happy to help, we help hundreds of families a year secure finance to build their dream homes. You can book a call to get a decision in principle ready to reserve on the site.