How much deposit do I need for a self build mortgage?

Embarking on a self-build project to create your dream home is an exciting endeavour, but it requires careful financial planning. If you're considering a self-build, understanding the deposit requirements for a self-build mortgage is crucial.

While there is no definitive answer as the deposit amount varies, several key factors come into play.

In this blog, we will explore the specific considerations involved in determining the deposit needed for a self-build mortgage in the UK, providing you with the knowledge to confidently navigate the financial aspects of your self-build journey.

Understanding Self-Build Mortgages:

Before delving into deposit requirements, let's briefly explain self-build mortgages. A self-build mortgage is a specialised loan designed for individuals who plan to build their own homes. These mortgages differ from traditional ones as funds are released in stages throughout the construction process, helping you manage cash flow effectively.

Factors Influencing Deposit Requirements:

a. Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio: The loan-to-value ratio plays a significant role in determining the deposit amount. LTV is the percentage of the property's value that the lender is willing to lend. For self-build mortgages in the UK, the typical LTV ratio of loans to end value of the property ranges from 60% to 85%.

b. Land Purchase: If you're purchasing land for your self-build project, you need to consider the cost of the land in your deposit calculation. The amount of depoist based on the plot price is between 40% and 15%.

c. Project Cost: The overall cost of your self-build project influences the deposit requirement. Lenders will require a detailed projected construction cost to ensure that borrowers have sufficient funds to complete the project and help mitigate the lender's risk. The level of deposit needed against a self builders construction cost is between 40%-15%.

d. Personal Financial Situation: Your personal financial circumstances are crucial in determining the deposit amount. Factors such as credit score, income, and existing debt will be considered by lenders when assessing your eligibility for a self-build mortgage in the UK. A stronger financial profile may result in a lower deposit requirement.

Maximising Your Deposit:

Saving for a self-build deposit requires careful financial planning. Consider these tips to maximise your deposit:

a. Start Saving Early: Begin setting aside funds as soon as you start considering a self-build project. The more time you have, the greater your ability to accumulate a substantial deposit.

b. Reduce Existing Debt: Clearing or reducing existing debts can improve your borrowing capacity and reduce the deposit requirement. Focus on paying off outstanding credit cards, loans, or any other liabilities.

c. Budget Wisely: Analyse your expenses and identify areas where you can cut back to save more. Create a realistic budget that allows for saving a specific amount each month.

d. Seek Professional Advice: Consult with mortgage advisors or financial experts who specialise in self-build mortgages in the UK. They can guide you on the best strategies for saving and securing a suitable mortgage deal.


The deposit required for a self-build mortgage depends on factors such as the loan-to-value ratio, land purchase costs, project expenses, and your personal financial situation. While there is no fixed percentage, expect to contribute a minimum deposit of 15% to 25% of the total project costs ( plot purchase+build Cost) , unless you own land , in most cases 100% of buidl cost can be funded.

Find Out More

If you need funding for a self-build project then Mayflower Mortgage will be happy to help, we help hundreds of families a year secure finance to build their dream homes. You can book a call to get a decision in principle ready to reserve on the site.


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